Monday, March 30, 2009

Part XXIII - The Clinging

The physiological umbilical chord is a many layered device that can stifle the advance from the yard of familiarity. There is an aspect on emotional clinging to the things that are simply understood. You may feel that the wide world and its many textured realities are more exciting, however, taking steps towards them needs a huge portion of bravery and self-belief. The fences that keep these possibilities clear from the normal, seem like protective barriers from the edges of the abyss on the other side of the easy and the conformed. In the youthful time you will venture now and then but seldom would the challenge be without the company of your fellow mercenaries in the wars against complacence.

Applying a constant pressure on apathy is what character is made of. That substance that needs the eternal experiences of existence to grow stronger and greatly varied in personality. You may damage parts of yourself in the ring of ultimate challenges, but with the gleam of resiliency the damage will be left quickly behind as you spurt in growth as a result of facing the gauntlet of the denial that your tribe has tried to bridle you with. If reliance on yourself becoming the assured blade, the conscious dawning will occur within the epiphany that fear and guilt is the greatest treasure that one generation gives to the next. That thread that distorts perception while it shreds your passions and desires into splinters and confusions.

Soon your heart will be attacked by a strange and wielded steel. This new force strikes you with a sickness that lingers like a deadly plague in the ancient town called affection. The way those eyes see you and the way that smile teases, hold you in a grip that is vice like. Your words scatter and their meaning is incoherent and the laughter of the rest in attendance makes you feel unorthodox and unusual. Someone tells you that you have fallen in love and those words explain the feeling oh so well. For you feel you are falling into a mist of fantasy, that seam between the the thought and the materialisation of such. There is this pain in your gut and it seems that a migration of butterflies is taking place throughout your interior. Please is your plead, but it remains silent and withheld.

Everything is so strange when all the concepts of life come tumbling down upon you like an avalanche of fresh powdered snow. You feel buried alive and air is the hardest thing to grasp when theses ideals start to bind you like a giant python from the outer worlds of the human dilemma. You feel so lost as time runs strangely slow in an almost deliberate intention to rake you through the hot embers of the eternal flame called life on the planet earth. You misunderstand everything and the brutalisation of those stories you were told give you the feeling that hope is a by-product of the comfortably domesticated. You can see that lies are ramped and you can feel yourself beginning to persevere yourself in the jars of descriptions that hurt less than the truths that seem to be flowering.

This umbilical cord winds around your neck and soon you are not getting all the air from the changing winds that have whirled through these youthful situations. You have fought the fight, you have the wounds to show for it, but do you truly know if you have won or lost? But perhaps, those words are nothing more than different edges of the same experience, the same moment of the part of life that can easily be distorted. If you can return from these battlefields with the understanding that reality is nothing more than a painting done with the tools that are available, then you have passed through these turmoiles with the understanding that life is perception and you are nothing more than a visitor.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Part XXII - Division

Youth is a portion of the offering that tastes sweet but wears quickly. It can give meanings varied pathways that can take the adventurer to new hillsides of reasoning. The universe is unrelenting in its ability to allow for escape from the now and those hollow ideals come crashing down like over-ripened stones on a petrified vine. Callousness and shivery act as one when the choices are thick and time seems to rush you for the appropriate response. Vacuums of comprehension surrounds you and the toes of the coming beast can be seen when fear is doing the watching in the blackest part of night.

Friends and relations have been neatly categorized in three separations of illusions and stigmas. There are the ones who can be trusted, the ones that must be lied to, and then there are those that float continuously from one to the other depending on the mood at hand. Your dreams and confusions are linked together like charms on that bracelet the beauty in the classroom has. She plays with it through lessons and it has fascination in it that far exceeds the numbers and letters that have been assigned their place on the chalk board. Her charms are trinkets that at times resemble those parts of you that seem to fall from the seams of your disappearing existence.

She smiles like a saviour and your courage is asked to flex itself in order to make her the one trusted. But your lips fail you and the words that come out are not of the elegant variety that was so in order before the attempt to volley them occurred. Your face has also insisted to speak for you and every time you look into the mirror its reflection laughs at your infected courage. You can see what the world sees and you understand why the charm of the charms finds you repugnant even though she has never issued any kind of statement that could ever be considered in the manner of such.

Perceptions are illogical but their truths are all you have to lean on, until you sadly learn that they were splintered at best and the divisions divided you into those sections. For there are times you trust yourself, times you don't and then there's that constant feeling of never knowing anything about yourself. That place that feels so close to the blade that you can justify any dismembering of who you think you are, even though the fact is, that you are the biggest stranger in your own life. The paradox is unrelenting and awkwardness is it's forever companion. A duo that can make you bleed internally by merely allowing the sun to reflect of it's edge.

Heavy is the burden of the self-created obsolete, Hard is the pillow for the head that can never be comforted. Hidden are the feeling that posses the frightened spirit. Youth is not the act for the timid or the apathetic, it's the place were cutting your teeth on your own flesh is the habit of the addiction to uncertainty. And why are you left alone to your demons you may ask, but you chase them into your solitude for they are the products of your ability to occupy yourself, as the lives of the living went on just outside of your bedroom door.

Part XXI - The Bars

There will come a time when you will be subjected to your limitations. Those ceilings and walls that are built by your family, teachers and society. You will feel constrained and your calls for an explanation will reflect that familiar chant, 'it's just the way it is.' You will want to know why, but all you will get for an explanation is, 'learn to deal with it.' You begin to realize that why is an impossible question to answer. It has millions on definitions and most of those seem to be fitted for the occasion and the style of those differences that others are delighted to see in you. Those traits that are easily understood for the sense of sight is the greediest of all.

You will either conform or be crushed or find resilience through your personal determination. There is a failure by those in control of your faculties in these times. There is an obvious contradiction, they trim your peculiarities but welcome your ability to occupy yourself. These failures result is that massive place within your creativity that houses your imagination, those concepts and their illusions that become so real to you. Your fantasy world builds you daydreams and escapes from the monotony of the daily schedule. Your body runs with the flock as your mind flees the situation. The saving nap from boredom has become the flight of creativity and its ability to make the same old into the brilliantly new.

You will be targeted if your addiction to anywhere but here becomes overtly noticeable. You will be chastised by remarks in the classroom such as, 'are you with us, hello in there, and please join us.' Your schoolmates will mimic these remarks at recess, but it is not their fault, for they are good little parrots who have been taught to react in the proper order, but still your individuality is in question. Reports of your behaviours will be brought home by you so the taunts can be handed over to those that worry if you will be well adjusted. You are being fitted for life within the capsule called humanity, a place where differences are only tolerated if they can pay their own way.

If by chance a welcomed deformity has been detected, you will be granted the space required for your speciality. Talent will save you from the stream of the same, for it separates you from the having to be normal. However, if you are not then placed with others like you, your social adjustments will be strained with the heavy pressures of jealousy, envy and placement in to the category of the handicapped. The tribe needs your difference badly but childhood is full of insecurities and anyone that is thought of as better than the rest must be avoided without mercy. Scars are deep but in their place is the unrestrained imagination and the worlds it creates for you to climb into.

Separation comes swiftly as the normal walk in unison. You have taught them that difference must be avoided all cost. To be included means that you can then foster cliques and small groups within the leagues within the accepted. You have proved that being normal can be attained if you throw away large portions of your distinctiveness. The normal will never be alone for the shallow waters are teaming with similarity because the depth within needs time in order to speak about the value of difference. Childhood realities become the structures that adults build their lives upon, even though, as time mists by, certain occasions will occur when all of it feels so useless.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Part XX - The Sandbox

Soon those steps you have learned to take bring you to new and more complicated experiences. You have paid the toll on the road to these new horizons by the scars you bear and the disconnections yours have tied you to. There are ways of perception that you have been given and fitted to you are plush blinders that have equipped you with that necessary tunnel vision that your particular section of society needs to have in order to stay uninspired. Your uniform and number have been issued and your similarity to the flock grants you membership to the second circle; that extension from your kin to the larger cluster of the tribe.

You have mastered sandbox etiquette and the skills you are mastering bring those gifted moments when you learn to share your pile and self. You have hit and been hit, you have hurt and been hurt, you have been rejected and you have turned your back on yesterday's friend. You have been chased from your castles in the sand by that big happy dog that licks your face because of all the tastes that have been left on it. Your mother has saved you on numerous occasions although in fact there was no danger in most, but perception has created your reality and mother seldom reasoned, she only reacted. You have fallen and grandmother has swept you up and startled you into tears that the scrape was not capable of giving you. Fears are implanted and their vines are free to entwine themselves throughout your mind.

The days go by and from sand to steel you move. The swings and bars bestow on you strength and flexibility to push your youthful endurance even harder. Balls for throwing, kicking and catching enhance your agility and coordination. Your body is like a piston full of moving from the fuel of wonderment and enchantment. The play ground is your empire, and all in it, from that hole near the sidewalk to that little girl with the constant flow from her nostrils, bleed into you the colours of boundless stories, mysteries and deluded facts. You sit with your comrades and discuss the clouds, sticks and the function of the bathroom. You laugh instantly and the only match for it is the spontaneity of your tears.

These binding times are essential to your physicality and the outcome of your future health. To learn to move the apparatus that your consciousness has been placed into is vital for the expansion of your future awareness. The interaction with your peers and theirs, brings you a sense of self in this realm that you have come to. Time is playing you constantly and your internal clock has been strictly wound. You are typical in your daily routines and when boredom of the normal pounds upon you, the nap is your quick relief. You are guided by the blueprint of what is considered normal although the tiny deviations in time will make you more like your family and slightly different than the tribe.

You soon will be integrated into the system of applied education, so you are being taught like a parrot to count and to follow the line of the alphabet. You recite like an angel amongst the rest in your herd and the praise that you are given is all that really matters. You will be entrenched into the pipe like other beads before you, as the flow moves slowly through the process of trimming off those shades of individuality. Fitting in is the virtue, any expression other than what is allowed for instantly separates you from the rest. Don't worry though, there is a team of cleaners that will lovingly help you to readjust yourself to the mainstream. Flow, my dear, within the similarity, and if it hurts, learn to keep it to yourself.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Part XIX - Communication

Through it all you have established individuality. You are considered your own entity though you are still being indoctrinated into the fold and the belief. You know that there is comfort in behaving and you use this knowledge to feed your requirements whenever you see fit although there are parts of yourself that confound your controllers and they are quick to put you in your place. There is a new force that is appearing and it is coached enthusiastically by all around. Your mind is training your vocal cords to sounds that apparently have meaning to them. Your elementary language arts paint extraordinary pictures in the minds of your captives and you move them at will with every repetition of their favourite sound.

Again time is the patient one as it allows you the room to experiment with the colours of speech in new and exciting ways. They gasp and fawn their approval and the smiles their actions give you entraps them even further. They relent on their strictness for you are now able to insist and defy with a sense of logic that leaves them guessing to your exact meaning. There is a future mark of hope in the stories you relate. They are inspired that you look at life with the newest focus and faith while they silently wonder how they lost their exuberance for the remarkable experience. They see the future in your wondering eyes and understand the promise that you give it with your natural need to take all that waits for you.

They drift at times into their obscurities along with their thoughts of how the years have escaped them while they hold themselves internally to crimes against their humanity. You have become their judge and jury for your purity and resilience forces them to see how much has drifted away and that is why when they hold you closely you can feel their tears tracing down your face like a blessing from the past. They feel your tiny words washing through their souls in a cascade of forgiveness and gratitude that life has chosen them to honour in such a way with you their new Messiah. You can walk on water, you can fly through the skies and you can give all those that embrace you the gift of redemption for committing the mortal sin of being a mere mortal.

However, there are those occurrences when you leave their grip and run into the path of distraction before they rescue you from the idea and give you the feel of fear. The scolding that tells you there are things in life that will hurt you and disfigure you and damn you to an eternity of looking over your shoulder for the wrath of an honest mistake or a well taught instruction. You begin to wonder if you are posed and ready to explode into emptiness if the car hits you or the dog mauls you or if the stranger steals you. Fear is implanted and it begins to grow like the hardiest weed in existence. Your garden needs to be trimmed and treated with insecticides, blades and rollers. Your growth is nurtured but it will not be tolerated if you want to bend anyway other than the rows of hedges you are being planted next to.

You communicate your individuality and it is considered a wonderful exercise, but how far will they allow your originality to roam is the question, for their chance at the same enterprise was skilfully cut from them by the earlier infected. The brilliance of your independence shines too bright in their eyes and that is why the curtain must be drawn swiftly and without resistance. You are one of them and that is more important that being yourself. Your lifetime membership has been processed and you will be horrified at what will happen to you if you ever want to leave the hive. Your wings may grow strong and your needs may become too hard to resist but never believe that everyone of them will ever be happy that you may want to leave their Eden behind to find your own personal heaven or hell.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Part XVIII - Vantage Point

Your awareness has kept pace with your physical growth. Your head moves swiftly on a flexible neck that is supported by a stronger base. You can see through windows, through trees and clouds as your intellect has begun to formulate ideas of what all the fuss is about. Your consciousness and creativity dance within your mind drawing those new waltzes, tangos and other artistic paintings from the inspiration of your senses. You smile and laugh at everything, for it seems to be meant as an entertainment for your spirit. The way the door moves, the way the curtains draw and the way the blanket captures you under its playful reach. You can feel the difference between a warm bath and a cold breeze though you are not sure which is more stimulating.

You sit upon the sand as the spent waves roll to their demise on your legs and trunk while the gulls and other children lap at the moment like thirsty nomads at a desert spring. Again you notice how your laughter is contagious to all that come near, be them yours or others. When the wet puppy jumps on you and you fall backwards with its tongue lapping as your face forms that expression that tells all that you have been startled, you are picked up swiftly as laughter and cooing are blended into a oozing substance that lubricates the experience until your smile reappears quickly and your call to be lowered again is heard. Again you have conquered the first few volleys of fear but they will build in intensity.

You sit upon the sofa and watch yours watching moving images that make them react while you are held on pins and needles not sure when you will be frightened again. When you begin to cry, you are told that you are sleepy and there has been too much stimulation. It is quickly decided that bed time has come and soon you will be listening to notes circling in the darkened air once more after those rhythmic words are spoken again. You are left in this dream unable to understand the fictions in your mind. They seem so reminiscent of the day that you have spent, but it isn't from the perception that you had before, instead it seems to be above the encounter like some sort of vision that glistened below.

All of these days are like never before though they seem like moulded concepts that fall from the furnace fractured and splintered in different ways. Your reliable tandem, your consciousness and creativity colour every detail in a permanent way. You are beginning to become conservative in your attitudes about change. You know the pillow is not supposed to be there and the cat cannot lap at your custard anymore now that you know that its tale can be bent towards persuasion. The scratches you receive are harmless although the whole tribe feels the cat must not be allowed to infiltrate your territory but it is your friend and you cry loudly when it is sent outside for the crime of defending itself.

You are not entrusted with the knowledge that your life's needs and discomforts are being forged into you mental memories. You cannot understand that what are now tiny idiosyncrasies are going to evolve into tears into your personal beliefs of yourself. Time gives you plenty of space for you to corner yourself in a fashion of a hunted killer with the enormous need not to have to worry about what may be behind, be it someone or something that was once avoided. There are no hiding places in life but you are at the age where you rely on them, for you have found them in the dark, in the open, below your mother's breast and deep in your sleep. You know there is availability for that is the one thing you have plenty of.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Part XVII - Crawl

To seek the mystery that seems to beckon the grand symphony of enlightenment. Every turn and venture enhances the pioneer within your heart. To find the questions that play with you like a leaf on a stream or a hope in the hurricane of a dream. You paddle yourself on any surface that you are upon without reservation or fear to envelope. You try in vain to raise yourself higher in order to see beyond the barrier like a champion about to jump into the history of an athletic performance. You fall without mercy, and before you cry, your body has already struggled to continue its flight into the future dilemmas of a child warrior, who as yet has not learned to walk.

They hold you back from those staircases that tell you that there is more above and more beneath. You cry to them that you must understand but all you get is hugs and resistance to your nobility. You are a creature famished for knowledge but yet you are at times considered a mischief and a trouble. They put you in a cage that you can look through, while they throw your familiarities in with you until all the room is occupied by their opinions of what you like and who you are. Finally, you sit amongst the teddy bears and toys, crying for the arms that will release you from their laziness to chase you far from the playpen you have been sentenced to.

You need to rediscover why that thing rings and why that light stings. You hurry to the stairs and begin to climb until you reach the fourth terrace before you are caught, far away from that long hoped for destiny, where the grandest powers will be granted to you. For with them, you will prove to your tribe that they cannot hold you back from your journey, but they do, and will keep doing so without an explanation or even a sincere understanding that the cat's tail must be pulled for it waves in your face without apology or compromise. The images within the glass stare at you and you want to feel them but you are torn away from it because you have begun to be considered a barrier from the illusions your folk cling to, while you, the truest reality, falls from their favor in times like these.

You get tired and begin to cry tears of fatigue while you try to explain that all can be done in this exact moment, but, you are a small creator and your consciousness is unaware of itself while you don't even know that there is a gulf and an expanse between you and who you are meant to become. You are trying to grow wild but the gardeners are using shears that convince you that there are places that you don't belong. You are sheltered from the pains of life for you have been placed in a bubble that is transparent to you. You think you are free to experience, however, experiences have been chosen for you and all that you are learning is sterile, for it is within a vacuumed classroom that your studies are taught to you.

You will be bathed and cleansed like your mind is kept from the possibility of rash or reason. They love you and that is the excuse that is used to keep you out of trouble, before you get into a predicament that most will have to encounter in order to learn what self-protection is all about. You are too young to worry about that yet. Let the time come, though that phrase is a contradiction to the truth. There is time for everything but time cannot be played with, it can only be avoided by the grandest worship you are learning from those that proclaim their love for you. Denial is the master, for it will save them from watching you grow faster than their idealism can.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Part XVI - Stillness

You are captured by those moments when the light has been swept away by a magical spell called darkness. You are left alone in your crib for hours, with nothing to do but compromise with your condition. You can see your hands in front of you as they hold each other like frightened friends in a common dream. Through your mind plays the repeating messages that you are subjected to. You can feel the linen border on your comforter and it feels so soft that it becomes your protector when all is still and all you have is your muted consciousness. There are sounds off in the distance that appeal to you in some hard to understand reason. You cannot stop the tides of your senses as they continually fill your harbours and veins with the unexplainable.

The night is unending and you are sure that your tribe can be summoned if you wish to make it known that you are awake. However, you prefer to be left in this stillness for it has a comfortable feel to it. There is no beckoning, no specified ideals, no pieces of yourself being plucked away and no conditioning occurring. All you have to contend with is the meaning of all that is happening as your consciousness has been lulled to the point that your intellectual attention wavers with every new experience and entry of it into your expanding misunderstandings. Know that this is how you will be controlled, for misunderstanding needs to be silenced and it will be by some one else's interpretation.

You begin to chatter in a way that tells the others that you are content in your own presence. They read what you tell them themselves, for their interpretations have also been subjected to their needs to feel that your comfort is a reflection on their care for you. The circle of miscommunication has now been established and it will grow stronger as you are fitted into the available space that has been secured for you. In your mind you see it has nursing stations where you and the others suckle at the tits of confession because you have been taught with the fortification that your life depends on total compliance to the dispenser of the nutrition even though it may be toxic to your own consciousness.

The dancing shadows in your room play with each other in a game of tag or hide-n-go-seek, which one doesn't matter because their rituals are playful. Soon, however, they will become the monsters that circle your crib in menacing ways and unheard taunts. You may wimper now and then because fear slowly introduces itself in order to fasten on to that part of you which may remain ignorant for the entirety of your life. It will cut into you and the blood that runs from it will be a beckon for all those that need to secure themselves to you because they themselves have no strength to walk alone without the use of human crutches. You are left on your own to serve yourself with your own fashion of home cooking and your consciousness in its dulled condition is being force fed your own illusion.

The morning will come and the first voice that will greet you will say how good you've been for sleeping through the night without fussing. You are stapled to you crib by remarks such as this, because you are being made aware of the fact that all are separate individuals in the hours of sleep, but, that is only because the controllers need to rest themselves. Feel the warmth of the first one who lays you in their arms as they dislodge you from the rocket that casts you through the nights. You see your fading crib as you hang over the shoulder watching the past disappear the moments before you will be turned around and instantly asked to tie yourself into the present or what will be an invitation to the future. You are stranded on this island of forming conceptions.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Part XV - The Ointment

You are now controlled by time. A vine that will move you through all the spectrums of humanity. It will be encouraging, unyielding and compelling but it will drain away a grain at a time and you will forever be its puppet if you fail to win your freedom from its strings. Those who hold you closely cast its sands in your eyes with comments, gestures, and human rituals that signify the rights of passage. Know that these are the symbols of belonging and further proof that you are being quickly moved from who you were meant to be. Fault them not for they are far more lost than you are, they know the grains are draining while they secure the strings even tighter to themselves, because fear to leave the compliant may mean walking alone.

You are feeling sensations that tell you that their idealism is there to support and comfort you. You gladly thank them for your dissection with smiles, coos and grips. There is payment for the atrocities being performed on you, that are the offspring of human frailty and human fears. You are being severed, but implanted at the cut of separation they use a substance known as Love. This is a major compensation for true compliance to the strings. As you lose more and more of yourself, more and more Love is given to you as an antiseptic, a hallucinogenic, and a pain suppressor. Be one of them and you will never be alone is what this application of Love is for.

You are now free to wonder the expansiveness of your limited awareness, and all that you see shines in your mind like the golden treasures on the face of complexity. It bewilders you and investigation needs to be engaged with, for even though you are travailing swiftly through the unimaginable, in yourself is a need to have an answer. But, you will learn in the expansiveness of time that details are needed to have a glimpse at clarity. For in these first sights of creativity there is fallacy. You are being lied to, and your innocence is the price you pay for accepting love, for believing their definition of who you are.

You droll a potion that feels like an elixir to the oldest ones that hold you. They are lost in your eyes for you posses promise and youth. These are the factors that have escaped them and all that is left is wonder and amazement that they were once like you until life got a hold of them. So it is sadly ironic that these are the ones who insist that traditions are more important than who you are and who you will be. These hands will roll you up in the old recipe and slowly bake you in their image. Blame them for they were lost to themselves and they feel that the same must be done unto you. Blame them for never following their own answers.

Yes, coherence is hindered by Love, the tribe, and its rituals. All is being applied to you and all you can do is fuss and flail. You are their babe and you are their invention and you are becoming someone that may crawl the crowded road destined for that place that does not exist. That temple where all feel they will find themselves, but what is there, are wolves who feed on what your tribe left of the true you. Your education has begun and all you want to know is what is around the corner. You can't even walk but you have been taken and hidden from yourself. Remember your crime, you dared to be born.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Part XIV - Circumcision

All around you is glaring while you are shaped into what you are meant to be. Know that this being you are becoming will chase you down simply, for you will not be able to hide from the label that has been appointed to your soul. You cry as you are held by those who have you in their illusions. Your perceptions are plentiful though you are not equipped with the intellectual coherence to understand all that is moulding you. Your name is cooed to you, whispered, and pledged but the name you are hearing hasn't yet been approved by all your senses. You will acknowledge it as a reference to you but do not get so attached to it that it begins to tell you what the world is all about. From naivety will come the ability to question and inquiry is what will save you from allowing your consciousness to forgo the beginning of its dissection.

Taste your mother's milk while you suckle at her breast, feel the purest substance you will ever know as it runs down your body to be formed into the exploding cells that expand your advance towards the horizons. Watch her lips falling on your brow as you feel the closeness of another. Know you are being humanized and welcomed into the flock of the flightless angels. Listen to the stories of who you are, and know you are the answer to their prayers and fantasies. Your eyes are hazy but they are perfect for the arrival of the interpretation of what you mean to all that surround you. Know that these are not wishes, but expectations of who you are and what degree of salvation you have given them. You are their messiah and you cannot even speak yet. You are their god, but you are being painted by their hands, not yours.

As you move in your crib, music plays and you are subjected to the beauties that humans embrace. All is artistic as it guides you at your desk in the play school of material awareness. Your hands can now grip and they tell you stories of softness, hardness and the flexible. You can move the world and you feel a strange sensation called physical power that somehow is in your domain. You are discovering certainty as the blanket you grip moves in the directions you choose. You are understanding that the realm you have been welcomed into is yours and since your crib is not shared with another, your are learning what ownership is. 'Mine' is the first concept that you are beginning to understand. My mother, my blanket, my crib. Mine, then slowly begins to form the idea of, me.

Yes, you are discovering there is a You, however, you term it as Me. Now you are associating the terms you are hearing as all references to that being, you. You have just been introduced to yourself. The name you hear is you, the loved one is you, the adorable one is you. The beautiful one, the ugly one, the black one, the white one, the anything but human one is you. You are different because you are you, and those ones over there are not us, so you are not them. You are us, you are you. You are not human, you are the chosen one. You are the answered prayer, the wish come true, the privileged. Yes, but you can also be the mistake, the afterthought, the youngest, the oldest, the this, the that. You have been torn out of the herd and branded by those that were torn and branded themselves.

Your eyes are beginning to witness, and your first sights calm you because you can see your writers and editors. They tell you that you are good or you are bad and you believe every bit of the information that they feed you as the truth and nothing but. There is mild contradiction, but it is so minute that your mind cannot separate it from the entirety of this new and wonderful experience. Your consciousness has been numbed and your body is the physician. It soothes you, it tranquilizes you as coherence is wrapped in the brightest images there are. You are a babe and as such all incoming information has been sterilized so its effect is gentle and hypnotic. Breathe little baby, don't you cry, mother is going to keep her demons away from you, while she lets her little girl hopes and her postpartum delusions hold you in their arms.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Part XIII - Birth

Now that you have the capacity to understand that consciousness is the key, it is time to reacquaint yourself with the awareness of the material. Adjust your attention forward as you begin to experience re-entry. You are about to be introduced to the upheaval of the tranquil by the waves of sound, pressure, brightness and the annoyance of the stationary. Please be advised that most of your identity has been fashioned for you. Look upon this occurrence as the first chain on your individuality as you are now becoming one of them. Purpose and solitude have released you, now that experience is about to toss all coherence aside. Understand that frailty will be your first challenge and time on the human scale must be spent in order to overcome this handicap.

Feel the grip of gravity and know it is a ancient mechanism employed to keep you in place. Fall into the cavity without struggle or you will encounter the first of what is perceived as compilation in the delivery. That harness that is surrounding you is a beacon known as light that is coming from the opening that awaits to welcome you to the paradox of humanity. You now will feel a closure upon your consciousness, know that it is a necessity or your whole existence in the beckoning will be far too torturous to endure. You and your awareness will slowly get to know each other again but be warned not to make others aware of the fact too early. They may single you out and social difference is the most fearsome force known to normality.

The pressure you are feeling is known as pain, cry out and fill yourself with air by breathing. This is the second chain on your individuality, a way of identifying you as human. Now release yourself and become one in the society. The sensations you are experiencing now are feelings, you are in the hands of your compatriots. Your tribe is welcoming you. They will weight you and measure you as they begin to judge you. Those sounds you are hearing are called speech, they are comparing you to all others who have passed and will pass this way. This is the third chain on your individuality. You are being cared for because of your physical frailty, but do not forget that you pay them for the service by first discovering yourself through their eyes.

You are now on the breasts of your mother, the one you have travelled through. Latch onto her smell, her essence, know that she is the one who will be the closest to you until your innocence has been stripped. Feel calmness approach you even though it is nothing like what you have come from. Cherish this still moment for it is thought to be the most gracious one known to humanity. You can feel her heart beat as it did beside you in the cell of growth. It plays the same rhythmic melody it has always played but this movement is entirely different for she is undergoing the hypnotic affect of becoming a mother. Hope that she has the required strength to keep this moment alive, but understand that strain is thought of as a requirement of human life, and it may have torn from her all those vital things you need.

You now must undergo an array of inspections from all those that are biologically related to you. Of course all are biologically related but tribal law dictates that you belong to the chosen few. Hope that your clan is not that infected with a major strain of identity for this would be the fourth chain on your individuality. Stay still as you squirm in the cloths that bind you, understand that resistance is impressive but not continually tolerated. They serve their designations for it is a way of identifying them to the others. Know that there is an intrinsic hierarchy and you will be blessed if you are a direct relation to the highest of them all. Remember however, every position on the scale comes with the inadequacy of its title. For humans need to know where they come from even though they struggle throughout their lives to get far away from it.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Part XII - The Commander

When you truly understand that there is a master within you, your course is assured of a safe arrival on a distant shore. Though arrival is not the appropriate word when the discussion is about a focus on a lasting discovery, it can be used to describe the context of some foreign source of mysterious involvement. Destinations, destinies and fate have been subjected to their own forms of isolation, for they give the false impression that you have control of everything that you will encounter. Understand that what is around the bend of some distant corner cannot be foreseen unless you are a creature that can only survive in the repetitive worlds of preoccupation and the preordained.

Alter your prescriptions in order to give surprise the space it needs to shake you at the core. Understand that bodily functions are precarious at all moments so the frailties that are fostered from apprehension of total involvement must be treated with tools like the gelding shears. Cut these preoccupations from your mind in order to allow yourself to be guided totally by your own consciousness. See the sea of your life as it is; an endless expansion of endless directions, motivated by endless reasons and their endless counter-variations. Destination is futile if the journey will never end.

Rest yourself along the way at outposts, inns and oases. Treat yourself like the vessel you are. Hesitation to care for your needs will result in deformed information. Know that any illusion can be hazardous to all on board. It is certain that you will fall prey to the pirates along the way, but know that they are there and their purpose is to become the parasites in your sanity. Selfishness is the key and any denial of this fact will result in you being boarded, then raped, and then scuttled. Do not take the time from your own mouth to feed it to those that waste their own. You are not their keeper, for the chains that bind them must be held by you.

Let your consciousness lead you into the worlds of your own creations. Know that there is a certainty that your brilliance will serve all others. You will tie yourself at times to the decks of those in need but do not become so domesticated that the decks of your own craft rot to the core, assuring you that escape from your patronage will be nonexistent or be too time consuming for little more than a fragmented breath of the freshness that was once possible. Hold your idealism closely and understand that most will ridicule you if you expose it. Jealousy voraciously consumes everything in its path.

Believe in your consciousness, feel its presence during all encounters. Know that it will take all of the information as suggestions before it gives any orders for reaction. Material existence means that there will always be jagged edges to get snagged on. You cannot float by anything without paying the price of passage. Without your commander at the helm material life will dissect you and force you to witness the feast upon your soul. It is foolish to assume that you will be allowed to prepare yourself as a dish upon the banquet table without ending up as just another stained plate waiting for some source of cleanser that will wash the whole horror quietly away.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Part XI - The Flame and the Fuse.

There are no limitations and boundaries have lost their appeals. You are free from segmentation, inclusion and membership, while safe from labels and branding. There are no delusions, paradoxes, seclusion or dementia to keep you tagged or chained. All packaging is sterile and bland because influence and persuasion cannot exist unless you prefer the pruning of fear. The expansive growth that is in accordance to your potential is unrestrained by any exterior idealism. Nothing will betray you unless you become numbed by a lack of belief in yourself.

Fire the flame of endlessness and witness your excited consummation. See the fuse get smaller and smaller as ignition will be sure and strong. Hiding is a past necessity, for you have escaped the boredom of familiar surroundings. Excitement is your courtier and your carriage is drawn by imagination on a horizon that does not understand finality. Behold the beauty that you have never allowed to appear. Feel it explode from you, as it casts you beyond the breathtaking. Release yourself from those personal constraints as you glide in glorious self-creation.

Hear your boundless birth as it screams through the future gardens of your growth. Watch your abundant seeds sow the fertile soil of personal acceptance. Know that you have arrived without the shears to trim you, without the rock of rigidness that stunts you and without the canopy of others that keeps the sun from energizing you fully. See the future possibilities link themselves like beads of water in a stream that leads to its calling. Know that your life has arrived and it will do nothing without your involvement.

Rely on your mind to train your body to react like you. Know that both will do your bidding if you take control of the helm. Yes, you are the captain, your body is the vessel and your life is the ocean of potential in its endless expanse. Understand that your mind must be taught to heed the orders of your consciousness, for that is the ultimate navigator. Do not let a disgruntled deck hand or a wayward star influence your freedom. Be wise in your choices of which ideas you transport. Understand that sickness is rampant, so keep the strangers in quarantine until you are sure that they are safe to mingle.

Know that your consciousness is the admiral of the fleet. Leave all final decisions on its desk for approval or recommendations. Never be foolish enough to allow sight to be the guide when the veil of fog surrounds. The radar of experience is what the admiral will depend upon. In reason you will keep your life off the reefs of emotional turmoil as you steer yourself to clarity in the storms that are sure to find you. Consult your consciousness before you ever think of abandoning ship.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Part X - Difficult Confrontations

Since you are now in complete control of the being in the early stages of creation, it must be understood that any segment of past perceptions that still linger from the pages of human guidance must be subjected to total rejection. All that was there was created there and that must be paramount in your steps to the new perceptive embellishments. Humans are persuaded easily and they fall into conclusions without feeling the drop. They cower in the unsubstantiated as they dilute their comprehension in all forms of mind numbing experimentation. They painfully find out far too late that their lives are driven through cycles of redundancy that are disguised as the new and exciting when in fact it is the same nature within a wider plumage.

Understand that all there was to learn there was how you reacted in a new form of the old illusion. See how you argued between fate and destiny when neither could offer you a final destination. Understand that the wishes you made mostly came true when they didn't really matter anymore. Look upon your purpose as it ended its reign. Discover how a childhood decision dismantled the adult you became. In all the fantasies you were fed, be wise enough to witness how they altered your decisions. Know that the experience of life as a human was nothing more than a mere walk through the trances of others. Now ask yourself if you had a chance to do it all again, would you be willing to hear your own voice first?

If you were told that all that has been was only a small look at what life offers when excitement does not embrace it's potential; if you lost every belief but the belief in yourself, could you do it once again, but this time with feeling? If I told you that the only god you could ever prove was the god in you, would you want to run from that fact and bury your head in someone else's thought? If you could learn that human life is based on the unprovable, would you be able to function in that place again? Or were you nothing more than a life form that fed on speculation, illusion, falsehood and frailty? Can you learn to believe in yourself or has your human existence taught you that you were nothing more than nothing at all? Did you need membership to tell you who you were? Did you compromise yourself because someone offered you less than what they got?

Now here you are at the verge of a new existence with all that was downloaded swept from your past inconstancies. Yet I seem to be in control of your self. I am not however, it only appears that way. Be diligent enough to not subject yourself to the rambling of this voice inside your cell. Soon it will multiply and you will begin to be who you profess to be. I must ask, are you beginning to feel fear again? Does the prospect of being yourself through and through seem rather odd? I hope you are not believing that your were never under the influence of another before. That will complicate things. The idea that challenge is the ultimate way of growth is historically asinine. There is only one challenge worth pursuing, the fight to be yourself.

Now don't be disappointed, but it is time to revile the necessity of all this preparation. You are reading yourself for re-inclusion into the sect called humanity. Yes... reincarnation is one of the terms used by those that have astonishing creative minds. Rebirth, salvation, redemption, and other terms have been used along with resurrection as a way of explaining the occurrence. But, there is a fundamental difference, here; I am sorry to inform you, but you did not have to die for what you are about to experience. You are being asked to see yourself as you see yourself. That means, you will continue to falter if you chose to live as others see you.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Part IX - Isolation

In oneself, at the birth of endless potential, you're now at the center of your own creation. Do not become accordant to your last encounter with simplistic human emotions, remain still without thoughts other than your pure coincidence. See this new experience as what the others were, lessons in consciousness and the functional tools of creativity. Grasp your imagination within your intent and slowly think of what you are becoming. Blend into your isolation until you hear the only voice that is real, your own and only.

Glide those first idealisms until they splash into each other as they form that structure you will use as your liason. Be less than certain that there is any need for perfection, for that too, is a singular cell that has mutated while infecting one's perception of who they are allowed to be. Remember, since your last involvement has freshness, please understand that it is not where you are, where you are going and magical not where you have come from. Humanity is a concentrated design with contradiction wrapped in surrealism. There will be no defining principles if this new being relies on what was a mere twirl in countless illusions that were supplied by the oath of hypocrisy.

Gain the much needed division from that abstract of who you believed you were. Be assured that now that you are not with barrier, with barometer, or with betrayal, you are free to explore infinity that has always been endless in your core and unlimited in your outward expanse. Belief is immaterial for it is a flaw in the belief in you. Understand that beliefs come in thin shells that crack simply when they try to precede materialization. An ideal is a nucleus that has no navigational ability as it ventures into the wilderness of countless encounters. Within this glory of isolation, learn who and why you are, before you scrape your visions on the challenges that persuade you to grow.

Be still and tranquil as the robed ones did in your travels through humanity. They used isolation to find the stillness in themselves. Those of them who remained in trance until their body released its host, ignorantly ran away from the lessons taught in humanity; that life was a criterion in the fullness of wisdom for it was meant to be because it was. To steal your attention away from what being a human is, can only be understood as a willed dissection of the truth found in every portion of being one of many. To share wealth found in the realm in which you are needed is more enlightening than trying to cross over into the next journey. Some robbed ones choose this kind of isolation far too soon.

Be centered within your core knowing that there is only need to balance your consciousness in this peaceful isolation. Be gentle to the only being that you can possibly know entirely. Feel your purpose in its enlightening glory as it unmistakeably takes you into a full and uninhibited embrace. Comprehend your possibility as you see no walls beyond you. Complete your escape from the binds of humanistic complications, now that you know that you have survived the total imprisonment of vague arrivals at pointless and random infringements on your own perception. Take this place inside it all within your conscious glow and begin to build your dynasty that can be witnessed by those that you will bless by your simple presence.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Part VIII - The Resurrection

There come times that are similar to what is unfolding moments ago. You are seeing every direction vanish like the opening of the shell that releases the seed within. Please do not adjust your feelings for they have been complicated by what has not been but will be. Your emotions are losing any hope of stabilisation as they are now falling from the myths of your own relevance. Keep reason between your teeth and bite down hard when you begin to entwine into the new soil of your decaying ego. Bite harder still as the shell is ripped away like the old skin of a python in the melting time of the driven addictions to their own useless deformities.

Take reason from your jaw, place it deeply into your thoughts and begin to witness visions that are revolutionary to the abstract that miniatures you. Watch the overpowering scene that foretells of the coming of consciousness that has been your driving force for eternity. Learn, as you know the parts of yourself that decay and fall from your person are nothing more than the shroud you have been wearing through the contradiction you have labelled your life. Understand that the surgings inside are the growth pangs that are being sifted into place at a rapid yet comfortable pace. Begin to believe in the only thing that cannot be denied. You!

Inside this endless chamber of awareness, you are beginning to rationalise the materialization of what you once called your emotions. The data from these instruments of information can now be analyzed in a bacteria-free environment. Please, be cautious that you do not confuse the separate indications the way you did when you were on your exploratory mission. Be precise in you calculations in order to rid yourself of any kind of virus you may have been exposed to. Downloading can only strain if you are still subjected to the unnecessary pressures you have encountered while you ventured into the shell of materialization. You have been warned.

Use vision as you untangle the web of details that are mostly scraps of minor entertainments. When reading the most delightful of these, there is a pleasure attachment that can magnify the experience, if you would like to reminisce with any particular encounter. Now that time has been removed as a safety precaution, you are free to utilize any part of the episode you are delighting in. Now that restraining devices have become fictional, you can proceed to dissect any section of the data that you think is constructive of the model you were. Please be advised that the next enlightenment will be leaving for its destination once you have determined what the last one consisted of. It must be understood that rationality is not a human possibility, so use this luxury as long as it is needed.

For those of you who have seen enough, the next encounter is about to begin. If you have sufficiently satisfied your personal criteria, be advisable to place your humanistic badge on your sleeve as you have done with your previous accomplishments. Trust in trust. Now that term may be sinkable, but you are on your own when travelling through. It may be helpful if you can observe the simplistic logic of what you have just experienced. Correction may not matter anymore although the consciousness needs a lack of division, so please be cautious as you begin the new enlightenment. There are no false guides in this section of re-entry, you will not be placed in constraints but you may become isolated.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Part VII - Pathways of Seeing

In this place all forms of darkness starve for light, the blacker their grin the more malnourished they are. Please keep yourself on the paths that have a form of seeing attached to them. Keep your hunt for mystery next to your need for survival, for the both of them work in perfect synchronicity as one can't do without the pull of the other. There may be confusion as your feet might begin to forget which steps next and which was left behind, but all things with purpose lose tract now and then, like the thoughts above that fly into the blackest hunger.

Keep yourself together with you as now they are coming together. Understand that encounters are plenty in a space so small that all that can exist is everything that can be expanded upon. Consume every possibility that interests your capacities as you begin to feel that rush of inner integrity that is spawned by your garden of creativity. Look upon the future as you lose sight of the past. Notice how the present explodes like a candled firework in the a sky with room enough for all of you. Stretch out and believe in the only things that are possible, your awareness and your validity.

Be careful with your perceptions for they have a way of being raped by another's. That is why you are alone in this experience, it is for your own safety. Those that have night terrors because no one is there to hold you, now must be told that it is the same thing that occurs when you are drowning and you flail to clutch at something in order to save yourself. But, in here, all you have is yourself and no weakling such as an illusion or a hope can be depended on to treat your perceptions with that aseptic feel of armour from the monsters you create in order to stop your advancements.

Pause for reflection as you see yourself coming apart at the seams. Find a way to stitch a thread or sew the parts together with a wire steel in formation. Bind yourself to you as you begin to comprehend that you can fall apart at a moment bent or a second used. Do not feel that time will be a benefit when time is nothing more than the squeezing of the press. Understand that you are the seed that can grow into the infinity unless you are caught in the jaws of melancholy and its twin mother, apathy. Stay to the pathways that have a touch of seeing. Run ahead, don't fall behind for there are always crows that feed upon the unburied seeds and dislodged souls.

Stay focused as you depend upon awareness to be how you see. Think with perfect balance even though balance is the smallest trick in the sideshow that some refer to as life under the stethoscope of appearance. Know that the doctor believes that you are still living and has given you the chance to stay so. Keep mystery and survival together when the options, temptations, and offers start to breed. Keep a lit candle in your pocket in case you need the fire to burn away those dependent desires. Learn the life of a solitude as it swings back and forth from past to future. Stay in the center where all is created , here in the present tense.