Keep yourself together with you as now they are coming together. Understand that encounters are plenty in a space so small that all that can exist is everything that can be expanded upon. Consume every possibility that interests your capacities as you begin to feel that rush of inner integrity that is spawned by your garden of creativity. Look upon the future as you lose sight of the past. Notice how the present explodes like a candled firework in the a sky with room enough for all of you. Stretch out and believe in the only things that are possible, your awareness and your validity.
Be careful with your perceptions for they have a way of being raped by another's. That is why you are alone in this experience, it is for your own safety. Those that have night terrors because no one is there to hold you, now must be told that it is the same thing that occurs when you are drowning and you flail to clutch at something in order to save yourself. But, in here, all you have is yourself and no weakling such as an illusion or a hope can be depended on to treat your perceptions with that aseptic feel of armour from the monsters you create in order to stop your advancements.
Pause for reflection as you see yourself coming apart at the seams. Find a way to stitch a thread or sew the parts together with a wire steel in formation. Bind yourself to you as you begin to comprehend that you can fall apart at a moment bent or a second used. Do not feel that time will be a benefit when time is nothing more than the squeezing of the press. Understand that you are the seed that can grow into the infinity unless you are caught in the jaws of melancholy and its twin mother, apathy. Stay to the pathways that have a touch of seeing. Run ahead, don't fall behind for there are always crows that feed upon the unburied seeds and dislodged souls.
Stay focused as you depend upon awareness to be how you see. Think with perfect balance even though balance is the smallest trick in the sideshow that some refer to as life under the stethoscope of appearance. Know that the doctor believes that you are still living and has given you the chance to stay so. Keep mystery and survival together when the options, temptations, and offers start to breed. Keep a lit candle in your pocket in case you need the fire to burn away those dependent desires. Learn the life of a solitude as it swings back and forth from past to future. Stay in the center where all is created , here in the present tense.
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