Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Part XIII - Birth

Now that you have the capacity to understand that consciousness is the key, it is time to reacquaint yourself with the awareness of the material. Adjust your attention forward as you begin to experience re-entry. You are about to be introduced to the upheaval of the tranquil by the waves of sound, pressure, brightness and the annoyance of the stationary. Please be advised that most of your identity has been fashioned for you. Look upon this occurrence as the first chain on your individuality as you are now becoming one of them. Purpose and solitude have released you, now that experience is about to toss all coherence aside. Understand that frailty will be your first challenge and time on the human scale must be spent in order to overcome this handicap.

Feel the grip of gravity and know it is a ancient mechanism employed to keep you in place. Fall into the cavity without struggle or you will encounter the first of what is perceived as compilation in the delivery. That harness that is surrounding you is a beacon known as light that is coming from the opening that awaits to welcome you to the paradox of humanity. You now will feel a closure upon your consciousness, know that it is a necessity or your whole existence in the beckoning will be far too torturous to endure. You and your awareness will slowly get to know each other again but be warned not to make others aware of the fact too early. They may single you out and social difference is the most fearsome force known to normality.

The pressure you are feeling is known as pain, cry out and fill yourself with air by breathing. This is the second chain on your individuality, a way of identifying you as human. Now release yourself and become one in the society. The sensations you are experiencing now are feelings, you are in the hands of your compatriots. Your tribe is welcoming you. They will weight you and measure you as they begin to judge you. Those sounds you are hearing are called speech, they are comparing you to all others who have passed and will pass this way. This is the third chain on your individuality. You are being cared for because of your physical frailty, but do not forget that you pay them for the service by first discovering yourself through their eyes.

You are now on the breasts of your mother, the one you have travelled through. Latch onto her smell, her essence, know that she is the one who will be the closest to you until your innocence has been stripped. Feel calmness approach you even though it is nothing like what you have come from. Cherish this still moment for it is thought to be the most gracious one known to humanity. You can feel her heart beat as it did beside you in the cell of growth. It plays the same rhythmic melody it has always played but this movement is entirely different for she is undergoing the hypnotic affect of becoming a mother. Hope that she has the required strength to keep this moment alive, but understand that strain is thought of as a requirement of human life, and it may have torn from her all those vital things you need.

You now must undergo an array of inspections from all those that are biologically related to you. Of course all are biologically related but tribal law dictates that you belong to the chosen few. Hope that your clan is not that infected with a major strain of identity for this would be the fourth chain on your individuality. Stay still as you squirm in the cloths that bind you, understand that resistance is impressive but not continually tolerated. They serve their designations for it is a way of identifying them to the others. Know that there is an intrinsic hierarchy and you will be blessed if you are a direct relation to the highest of them all. Remember however, every position on the scale comes with the inadequacy of its title. For humans need to know where they come from even though they struggle throughout their lives to get far away from it.